Today we had Aidan's first Birthday Party! The morning started like any other morning but then Aidan was walking and since he is still pretty new at it and he decided to walk holding his new Thomas the train flashlight, he fell and cut his upper labial forenum! Fancy word for the skin that holds your upper lip and gums together. Well this sucker bleeds like crazy! Needless to say it made me queezy to see my poor baby bleeding that much! After his morning nap, he woke up and it still was bleeding and after speaking with my sister the nurse who said there's not much you can do about it, we just kept pressure on it and it bled the whole party! Pretty stressful having to keep wiping his mouth. Well the party was stressful but fun, the kids had a blast in the bounce house, we had yummy pizza, dip,chips, grapes, and cake! We were so happy that Papa Pete also made it to the party! Well it will definitely be a first Birthday we will never forget! After his afternoon nap he sucked on a popsicle and the bleeding had finally stopped! Hopefully that will be the first and last injury for a looooong time! Happy Birthday Aidan!
Happy 1st Birthday sweet boy!!! Looks like a super fun party!! Wish I was there! So sad you had a Boo Boo...Aunt Sandy loves you so much!!!!!!!!!!!
My grandson aka "Tuff Stuff" didn't care about any injuries, he kept on Rockin' for the whole party!!
Happy Birthday Aidan! What a fun party, I wish we were closer to play with you guys. I hope your lip is feeling better. YUCK!
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