Monday, September 29, 2008

Papa's Visit

Yay! Papa Pete came to visit us! Ethan was so excited and happy to have his papa visit and stay for a few days! We had a fun visit. We went fishing at lake Pinehurst and as you can see the boys caught some fish! They also played alot and while papa was here Aidan turned 9 months and is finally cutting his two bottome teeth! We also had an early Birthday party for Joey! It was so much fun! Thank you for coming to see us! We Love you Papa!


Papa said...

What a GREAT visit I had with my boys, and their mommy and daddy too!!
We were really lucky that there weren't any pelicans around when we caught our fish!
Did Joey get any presents at his birthday party??
Can't wait until my next visit, Ethan and Aidan are awesome little boys.
Love, Papa

Sandy said...

LOVED the pics of Dad's visit! He is an awesome Papa! Happy Bday Joe Man!!

Ya'll better have given my Aidan have some cake:)